I'm sure you all have seen the news reports of all the damage that Hurricane Sandy inflicted on the east coast. The damage is even more shocking when you see it first hand. There are families that have lost everything. Their home, their jobs, their car. It is going to be awhile before some of us can live a normal life again. The upcoming holidays are going to be especially tough on the kids. Displaced families, no money and no home. Here is what I suggest. During the holidays remember what you are thankful for. Remember what means the most when you have nothing else. Remember what is is to be a part of the community of humanity and help. Donate blankets, coats, food, toys, anything you can. If you can afford it, donate to the AMERICAN RED CROSS. I have seen them working in Hoboken, they deserve your support. When you pitch in, the people you help aren't the only ones who feel better.

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